
Pu-Erh Tea For Weight Loss

Many of us seek for ways to stay svelte and look our best. It can be tempting to turn to the horde of diet aides on the market, but it is difficult to be certain these products are safe. In Asia, tea from the Camellia sinensis plant is consumed in part for its weight-modulating properties. It has also been scientifically studied to a great extent for these properties. In fact, extracts like that from green tea are common ingredients in over the counter weight loss products. That said, we think it is best to get these benefits through natural means. Let’s take a closer look at the tea generally thought to be the most slimming, Pu-Erh!

Dr. Oz Talks About Drinking Tea For Weight Loss

Dr. Oz featured Pu-erh (pronounced pooh-air) tea as a drink that will shrink fat tissue.

He talks about how this tea is fermented and is packed into cakes. It is suggested to consume this tea first thing in the morning if you are using it as a weight loss aide.

When you first wake up, you want to give your body a good start on the day. That is why drinking this in the morning works best as a strategy to reduce pounds.

Pu-Erh Tea Can Reduce Appetite

Authentic Pu-Erh Tea Cake 2008 Vintage

Another benefit of this drink is that it can help to reduce your appetite. When you are trying to lose weight, you want to find ways to cut down on the amount of food you consume. Many people struggle with feeling hungry while they adjust their eating habits and consume smaller quantities of food.

Drinking Pu-Erh tea can help you to make the adjustments when it comes to keeping your appetite in check and not feeling hungry.

Pu-Erh Has A Unique Appealing Flavor

One of the things that is so appealing about this tea is the flavor. A lot of people do not think that this tea needs sugar or creamer to make it palatable.

It is very important that when you are monitoring your caloric intake, that you do not consume too many calories through drinks. When you drink this plain, you will not add any extra calories. This makes the effectiveness of the tea even greater.

Many people consume extra calories by drinking juice, coffee with cream and sugar, teas with sugar, and sodas. It is important that when attempting to lose weight, that you take all of those extras into account.

Since this tea is so flavorful, you don’t have to add anything to it. It is like drinking water with all of the added health benefits.

Where To Find Pu-Erh Tea

The leaf comes from China and is prized amongst its people. Pu-Erh undergoes goes a lengthy fermentation process and can take up to 10 years to fully mature. Historically, these cakes took even longer to mature.

It is important that when purchasing this tea, you choose companies that are reputable. This tea takes such a long time to produce, so some manufacturers add in other ingredients that are not healthy for you – additives allow untrustworthy companies to increase profits.

Just beware when you are making a purchase to ensure that you are buying authentic Pu-Erh tea. You can expect the cost to be quite a bit more than cheaper versions.

Authentic tea needs to go through the second stage of the fermentation process for many years. Look for a manufacturer that tells you how many years it has been in storage. Also, look at the process they use for storage.

How Often Should You Drink This Tea For Weight Loss?

Ideally, you need to drink the tea on a daily basis. According to the feature that aired on the Dr. Oz show, drinking it in the morning is the optimal time for weight loss. Many people choose to drink the tea 2-3 times a day for its health benefits.

All tea has caffeine and caffeine can cause you to become dehydrated. If you plan to drink it regularly, you should drink extra water.

Other Health Benefits to Drinking Pu-Erh Tea

Research shows that drinking Pu-Erh tea can reduce bad cholesterol levels. Many people choose to drink this tea for that purpose. It can increase the good cholesterol levels in your bloodstream as well.

Truthfully, we at Tea Vue drink Pu-Erh mostly for our sanity and its flavor; however, it is worth it to drink this tea for the sake of weight loss as well its other health benefits. Pu-Erh is a great addition to one’s healthy lifestyle. If you start drinking it to see for yourself, please come back and let us know about your experience.

Take care and be well!